i'm leaving Bangkok...so let's party

I'm moving to Koh Samui so join me on my last night in Bangkok for a party. It starts at 7pm and we're never sure if there's enough space so come early to make sure you get in. Then....stay late. Here's the details:

Bangkok Meetup: July 28 - 7pm 'till late
Location: Paradise Beach Bar at the top of Sukhumvit Soi 11
Map Link: https://maps.app.goo.gl/7d4KPAs5ksEeLwWR9
Bring your wife, husband, friends...but no donkey!
Select Beers for 100 baht
Some food served early
Let's party!!!

This is the Best Way to Learn to speak Thai: https://www.thailanguagechallenge.com/a/2147830747/LuoaQmdG

How do you find over 500 of my favorite places in Thailand? Easy, just search 'Teenee' on your app store or follow this link and try it for FREE: https://teenee.onelink.me/6pHT/RW4U

The best restaurants, bars, hotels + activities all on an interactive map with video tours of each place, and turn-by-turn directions.

Thailand tools we've built for you:
🇹🇭 LEARN TO SPEAK THAI: https://www.thailanguagechallenge.com/a/2147830747/LuoaQmdG
🏠 Buying or Renting Property in Thailand: https://retiredworkingforyou.com/realestate/
🍲 Experience Thailand Like a Local With My Mobile App: https://retiredworkingforyou.com/teenee/
🌴 Epic Thailand Group Tours: https://www.rw4utours.com
✈️ Free Flights, Meetups, and Fun: https://retiredworkingforyou.com/memberships/

My goal with this channel is to grow a community of Thailand Lovers who like to have fun. Day dreaming is encouraged here. Always remember, you only get so many trips around the sun... so make 'em count!

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