Who are the Nenets people? | Life in Russia beyond the Arctic Circle

Learn a new language with TV Shows and Movies with Lingopie:

Time codes:
00:00 Welcome to the Nenets region!
01:05 How to get to Naryan-Mar
02:05 The day of Russia & meeting the Nenets people
03:44 Lingopie - a fun way to practice languages!
05:37 Let's explore the capital city Naryan-Mar
07:02 Locals about their city
07:38 I can't afford rolls in Naryan-Mar
08:22 Trying Nenets and Arctic cuisine
13:52 Learning Nenets crafts
15:53 The language on the edge of extinction
18:15 Life in tundra and first impressions of the city
19:07 Nenets are/were cannibals... myth or reality?
19:42 Life in the richest region of Russia
20:43 Nenets language

📌https://elinabakunova.com/ - check out my projects here!

🔸What can you find on my channel?
👉🏻visiting different republics and regions of Russia
👉🏻learning about ethnic groups of Russia (we have 195 ethnicities!)
👉🏻Russian culture explained! (facts that you won't find on google) https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeQTCVW4juG8wDADr0OqmPLnv1mfnoYkr

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqbF0USZ-eY - a clip from the video about Naryan-Mar
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-ZQLHin-bE - a song about Naryan-Mar

📍 More videos:
https://youtu.be/BpZHXmrfjLg - Life in Russia's COLDEST CITY - Yakutsk | Yakut habits, heatwave(-35 C°)

https://youtu.be/-tUh_JPL35A - Heading to Russia’s Extreme North Beyond the Arctic Circle | Murmansk region

https://youtu.be/uQc2Scq0fnM - No one visits this republic of Russia… find out why you should!
📸https://instagram.com/elibakunova?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= - more content about Russia, traveling, and my daily life
🤍 https://www.patreon.com/elifromrussia - if you feel like supporting my channel through Patreon

Eli from Russia
870 Thousand