
Submerged — Official Trailer | Apple Vision Pro

Submerged, the first scripted film in Apple Immersive Video. Watch only on Apple Vision Pro on October 10.

A WWII submarine crew combats a harrowing torpedo attack in this adrenaline-pumping thrill ride. From filmmaker Edward Berger, director of the Academy AwardÂź winning All Quiet on the Western Front.

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Welcome to the official Apple YouTube channel. Here you'll find news about product launches, tutorials, and other great content. Apple's more than 160,000 employees are dedicated to making the best products on earth, and to leaving the world better than we found it.

#Submerged #AppleImmersiveVideo #AppleVisionPro #SpatialComputing

Destiny 2: WiedergÀnger | Launch-Trailer [DE]

Fokrul, der Fanatiker, ist zurĂŒck und hat eine Armee von Untoten unter seinem Kommando.

Werdet zum SchlĂ€chter-Baron und stellt euch dem Hohn – Destiny 2: WiedergĂ€nger erscheint am 8. Oktober 2024.


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Taucht ab in die Free-to-Play-Welt von Destiny 2. Erlebt reaktionsschnelle Ego-Shooter-KĂ€mpfe, erkundet die Geheimnisse unseres Sonnensystems und schlagt selbst ĂŒbermĂ€chtige Feinde mit euren ElementarfĂ€higkeiten. Erstellt noch heute euren HĂŒter und sammelt einzigartige Waffen, RĂŒstungen und AusrĂŒstung, mit denen ihr euren Look und Spielstil individualisieren könnt. Erlebt die filmreife Story von Destiny 2 solo oder mit Freunden, schließt euch mit anderen HĂŒtern bei Koop-Missionen zusammen oder tretet in einer Vielzahl von PvP-Modi gegeneinander an.

The ONLY 2 Exercises That Built My Six Pack Abs

There are over 500 different abs exercises out there, but only 2 that actually helped me build my six pack. Because to get well-defined abs, it’s not just about having low body fat. It also comes down to the ab workout and ab exercises you use to train them. Increasing the size of your abs can help them “poke through” more. But here’s the thing, most ab exercises you see online won’t help you actually build your six pack. So, in this video, I’ll share the secret to how to train abs — efficiently and effectively.

Get my ab mat here:

Click below for a step by step plan training plan that reveals all the best exercises you should do for each and every muscle group:

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Planks and butterfly kicks are both great core-strengthening exercises, but they’ll do next to nothing for actually growing your abs. All they’re doing is stabilizing your core like they would during a compound movement. See, the main function of your abs is to bring your rib cage and pelvis together by rounding the spine. And so, this brings us to one of the most common myths I hear: “When performing ab exercises, you’ve gotta keep your back straight.” But if your back stays flat and all you do is swing your legs up and down into an L shape, your abs will contract to stabilize, but really, it’s going to be your hip flexors that do all the work. And it’s not just leg raises. This is a common problem with most ab exercises, at least, with how they’re typically done. But the thing is, it’s actually pretty easy to build your abs once you stop letting your hip flexors do all the work.

And the nice part is, you can emphasize either your upper abs or lower abs more based on the type of exercise you do. So, to keep things simple, let me just share my 2 favorite ab exercises for both. Let’s start with the lower abs. A lot of new research suggests that muscle regions closest to the moving body part will grow the most. So, to target the lower abs, we just want an exercise where the bottom half of our body moves towards the top. Also, since muscles seem to grow best when challenged in their most “stretched” position, we’ll use reverse crunches.

Bend your knees in towards your body and think about raising your hips up and crunching your knees towards your chest, to actually round your spine. Think “C” shape instead of “L” shape. Go as far up as you can then slowly control the way down. For beginners, bring your knees closer to your chest and try to just lift your tailbone off the bench without swinging your legs. Once you get stronger, try to get higher and higher and then gradually straighten your legs out more to simulate the effect of adding weight to the movement. If you want to make it even more effective, you’ll want to increase stretch in your abs at the bottom. For that, I’d highly recommend getting an ab mat and placing that between your lower back and the bench.

Ok, now let’s focus on the upper abs for your six pack. Now we want an exercise where we’re now folding the upper body towards the lower body. The easiest way to hit the upper abs as a beginner is with crunches. But again, think about folding your chest down towards your pelvis into a C shape. Your spine should extend out to stretch your abs and then your abs should contract to fold your chest over your pelvis. Now, with crunches, just try to get your shoulder blades off the ground. Any higher than that and it’ll just be your hip flexors taking over. But if you want even better results from each rep, again, use an ab mat. You can also always use a stability ball, bosu ball, or - at the very least - a rolled up towel which - as you can see - still lengthens the abs a bit more.

But once that becomes too easy, I’d recommend moving onto a rope cable crunch. Pay attention to your hip flexors. If your hips are swinging back to your heels every rep, you’re just using momentum and your hip flexors to move the weight. Again, focus on the spine. Lock your hips at 90 degrees, lock your arms next to your ears, and then contract your upper abs as you try to fold your chest down onto your abs. Once you feel comfortable with it, you can make them even more effective by turning around and pulling the rope away from the cable. Once you get it right, you should feel that your abs are most challenged at the very beginning, in their most stretched position. (Exactly what we’re going for with our ab exercises.)

But when it comes to how to train the abs and get a six pack, here’s the key: train them like any other muscle. Hard with progressive overload, but also give them time to rest. I recommend doing 3 sets of each exercise for 6-12 reps. Once you can do 12 reps for all 3 sets, then bump up the difficulty or add a bit more weight. Start with training them once a week and if you're really serious, bump it up to twice a week.

The Future of Brawl Stars in 2025!

More collabs‌
More permanent features‌
More Quality of Life changes‌
More Brawlers‌
More Power Levels⁉

The true CEO of Brawl, Frank, is here to tell you all about it! 🍿

iPhone 16 Pro | 4K 120 fps | Capture | Apple

Capture cinematic slow motion in 4K 120 fps Dolby Vision on the new iPhone 16 Pro.

Learn more about iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max:

Audio Descriptions:

“Roll the Credits” by Danielle Ponder

#iPhone16Pro #iPhone16ProMax #iPhone #slowmotion

Welcome to the official Apple YouTube channel. Here you’ll find news about product launches, tutorials, and other great content. Apple’s more than 160,000 employees are dedicated to making the best products on earth, and to leaving the world better than we found it.

Destiny 2 – Dungeon-Trailer | Vespers DomĂ€ne [DE]

Untersucht unbekannte Übertragungen, die von einer verlassenen BrayTech-Station abgefangen wurden. Neuer Dungeon: Vespers DomĂ€ne.

VerfĂŒgbar ab dem 11. Oktober 2024 mit dem „Die finale Form“-Dungeon-Key.



⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Taucht ab in die Free-to-Play-Welt von Destiny 2. Erlebt reaktionsschnelle Ego-Shooter-KĂ€mpfe, erkundet die Geheimnisse unseres Sonnensystems und schlagt selbst ĂŒbermĂ€chtige Feinde mit euren ElementarfĂ€higkeiten. Erstellt noch heute euren HĂŒter und sammelt einzigartige Waffen, RĂŒstungen und AusrĂŒstung, mit denen ihr euren Look und Spielstil individualisieren könnt. Erlebt die filmreife Story von Destiny 2 solo oder mit Freunden, schließt euch mit anderen HĂŒtern bei Koop-Missionen zusammen oder tretet in einer Vielzahl von PvP-Modi gegeneinander an.

How I Got to 11.6% Body Fat in 60 Days (Just Copy Me)

How to get lean? The process of getting lean and how to lose fat is actually very simple. It's not easy, but getting a lean body is 100% something anyone can do. If you follow my 3-part plan on how to get lean — from my fat loss diet and fat loss training training, as well as the crucial steps I took to prevent fat regain — I guarantee you’ll get lean fast and, more importantly, maintain your ‘shredded body’ for good.

Click below for a step by step plan training plan that reveals all the best exercises you should do for each and every muscle group:

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But before we dive into the plan, there’s a key difference between 'leaning out' and 'getting a shredded body'. The reality is your body naturally resists getting too lean. It’s why dropping below even just to 12-15% body fat can start making you feel terrible and why most people who get that lean struggle to stay there. So if you are just starting out or don't have much dieting experience, aim for around 15-20%. And if you’re more experienced or have less fat to lose, aim for 12-15%. Those levels of leanness are still impressive and look fantastic, especially if you’ve built muscle along the way. 

A recent study found that a more aggressive approach early on in the diet led to better fat loss results. So, how exactly did I apply this to get lean? Well, typically, during a diet, I’d eat around 2,300 calories. This time, however, the very first week of my diet, I ate just 1,200 calories a day. Now I HIGHLY recommend against this. I did this for an article to see how much belly fat I could lose in just 1 week. But, for the next 4 weeks after that, I still went aggressive. Eating just 1,900 calories a day. Surprisingly, it was easier than expected.  Until things started going downhill in the fifth week. But, because I had started with such a steep deficit in the beginning, I was able to increase my daily calories by 300 to continue slowly losing fat without ever feeling like my diet was becoming unsustainable

However, regardless of whether you start out more aggressive or not when it comes to how to get lean, you’re going to have to eat fewer calories, and continue doing so for several weeks. Here’s exactly what I did to make my diet easy and enjoyable.

Let’s start with the most important macronutrient. Protein. Eat enough protein every meal. As a simple guide, open your hand. The protein portion in each meal should be at least the size of your palm. But now, let’s talk about the big one when it comes to getting lean. Cutting calories.  You don’t have to eliminate carbs or fats entirely. Instead, it’s about modifying how much of them you eat. Tip: here’s how I made weekends work for me: a science-backed strategy called planned hedonic deviation (a fancy term for "treat meal”). Every Saturday or Sunday, I’d boost my intake by 500 to 800 calories to enjoy a big meal guilt-free. Sure, it technically slowed my weekly progress by a day, but it made sticking to the diet way more doable.

But, of course, it’s not enough to just focus on your diet. Combining it with a proper training plan can not only help you get a lean body faster, but also plays a crucial role in keeping the fat off long-term. For strength training, the hardest muscles to grow also tend to be at the highest risk of loss during a diet. To counteract this, keep the volume high for those muscles. But you shouldn’t completely neglect any muscle groups. A new study released just this year found that muscles that aren’t trained will likely be burned off for energy.

But lifting weights doesn’t burn nearly as many calories as you might think. The fewer calories you burn every day, the more you’ll have to cut from your diet, which makes sticking to it and getting lean a lot harder. But focus less on “cardio workouts” and just set a daily step goal. While 10,000 steps a day is often the recommendation, even for me that’s tough to fit into my schedule. So I aim for a more achievable 8,000 steps per day as my minimum. 

So, I dropped about 1.5 lbs a week during the first 4 weeks with the more aggressive approach. Then, as expected, my progress slowed to about 0.5-1 lb per week in the last 4 weeks to get me down to 11.6% body fat. The plan definitely works.

But it’s not just about getting lean, it’s also about how you can maintain your results. So, here are 3 mistakes to avoid. First, not accounting for your drop in metabolism. Second, not adjusting your lifestyle for the long haul. Third, not staying active post-weight-loss. That’s why, for me, those 8,000 steps a day didn’t just stop once I got lean. In fact, they became even more critical, especially with a slower metabolism. This is why setting a realistic step goal that you can stick to long-term is crucial.

The Making of Submerged | Apple Vision Pro

A behind the scenes look at Submerged, the first scripted film in Apple Immersive Video. Join Academy AwardÂź Winners Edward Berger and James Friend on set as they break down the entire filmmaking process for Apple Vision Pro. From writing and directing, to cinematography and production design, take a deep dive into a new format of storytelling.

Watch Submerged now only on Apple Vision Pro.

Audio Descriptions:

Welcome to the official Apple YouTube channel. Here you'll find news about product launches, tutorials, and other great content. Apple's more than 160,000 employees are dedicated to making the best products on earth, and to leaving the world better than we found it.

#Submerged #AppleImmersiveVideo #AppleVisionPro #SpatialComputing